Gouffre Berger, June 2001


Spekul in the Berger
After a two years ban on caving in Gouffre Berger, the village of Engins again authorised trips to this world famous cavity as of June 2001. Our club happened to be the first one on the list of 'new' visitors!
After being visited by Spekul in the pre-SRT era, the next generation of Homines spekulienses took the opportunity to revisit this beauty.

Gouffre Berger Cave map

How we did it
Report including complete planning, cave rigging sheet, full description, history, team members etc on how to bring 14 cavers below -1000m (and back up) in a week time. All you'll need when you want to organise a successfull caving trip in the Gouffre Berger in just one single PDF file. Just make sure you've got a flemish - English dictionary...

Berger Links:

Speleo Group La Tronche: Good references and caving history about the Berger, both in French and English.
Avalon Photo Galery: Excellent photography by caving club Avalon all the way down Gouffre Berger, sorted by depth!

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